Tia's Small Pond

Photo taken November 6, 2008. Fall season for the Pacific Northwest.
Pond Volume: 115 Gallons
Pond Dimensions: 2.5' x 4' x 18" approximately.
Location of Pond: Eagle Creek, Oregon, USA
Date Pond Was Built: April
Plastic Preform
As of April 7, 2009, my pond contained these guys: two small koi, Willy & Elaine about 5" long;
two feeder goldfish, Harley & Skippy about 3.5" long; one mutt goldfish, no name 5" long; and a
few snails.
As of April 7, 2009, I had two water lilies, one parrot feather, and, of course, algae :)
The pond had one 125 gallon pump inside an aquatic planter with pea gravel and wrapped with
quilt batting.
I tore down the small pond in 2009 when I set up the new, larger pond.

Main Page
Small Pond
Photos of the Small Pond
Big Pond
Photos of the Big Pond
Last Updated: 11/21/09.
Copyright © Theresa 2009.