Template ByDezign

Sharon's Pond

An almost complete view of the pond.

Pond Volume: 18000 gallons

Pond Dimensions: 30 feet by 40 feet by 2.5 to 5 feet deep

Location of Pond: Broxton, Georgia, USA

Date Pond Was Built: February 2006

This pond contains goldfish, koi, and plants.

We did have close to 100 koi and goldfish until a blue heron stopped by for a smorgasbord lunch. We have had kingfishers lunching at our pond also. One time I found a huge beaver swimming around munching on a potted plant of water celery. The only filtration is the waterfall. I am thinking of adding additional filtration but I don't have all that worked out yet. We live in South Georgia so the pond is in full sun so you can imagine the algae problem I have. I added black out to the water which gives it a creek-like appearance. The aerator you see in the photos is only a pump that is mounted on a concrete block just below the surface of the water. We only run this in the summer months.

Pond Photos:

Overall view
From the porch
From the porch
Waterfall - The waterfall is almost covered with sweet potato vines that I planted to cover the backside of the falls. We covered the mound of dirt with black rubber roofing material so the dirt wouldn't wash out from the waterfall.
View from the driveway towards the porch
Pond - You can see apple snail eggs on the plastic pots (out of the water).
Waterfall - My husband and son built the pond but I had a stone company construct the waterfall.
Driftwood - We have several pieces of driftwood placed around the pond to give it a natural appearance.
A close-up of our homemade aerator

Last Updated: 1/13/07.

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