Template ByDezign
Robyn's 20 Gallon Outdoor Tub Pond
This photo was taken on 3/30/06 after I cleaned out this pond.
Web Site: http://www.fishpondinfo.com
Pond Volume: 20 Gallons
Pond Dimensions: About 2 feet in diameter and 8 inches deep
Location of Pond: Maryland, USA
Date Pond Was Built: May
Plastic Preform Pond
This pond contains amphibians, snails, and pond plants.
As of 7/25/06, this pond has a two gallon pot of blue flag iris, a tipped over (thanks raccoons)
one gallon pot with a poor waterlily (where art thou?), duckweed, and green frog tadpoles. This
spring, wood frog tadpoles developed in there but they have left.
Last Updated: 8/3/06.