Template ByDezign

Daniel's Garden Pond

Outside kitchen window, Summer 2010.

Pond Volume: 75 gallons

Pond Dimensions: 4 feet by 2 feet (depth not mentioned)

Location of Pond: Wixom, Michigan, USA

Date Pond Was Built: June 2009

Plastic Preformed Pond.

This pond contains goldfish, amphibians, and plants.

I originally started to dig for a 500 gallon pond in a location behind the house but the very rocky soil and much clay prevented that so a much smaller 75 gallon preformed pond was installed. With the house backing up to the woods and a creek that dries up in the summer, there have been several frogs visiting the water feature. With many birds around the feeder, they also drop over for a drink on occasion. My lilies and cattails come from the local lake where I fish. Two 6 to 7 inch goldfish reside within the pond.

Last Updated: 9/22/10.

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