Template ByDezign
Baker's Pond
This is a small game fish pond near Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
For more photos and descriptions, visit our pond on the net at:
It is a small, friendly blog about what is happening in and around the pond. Mostly it is about the
residents of the pond and immediate surroundings. The fish, frogs, turtles, birds, dragonflies,
damselflies, and all the rest get most of the attention, but there are also posts and photos about
the surrounding plant life. And, there are posts about rare or frequent visitors (including humans)
along with a few about the modest improvements around the pond for us human creatures. We
are not experts or biologists but we do try to include a bit of educational information that we run
across in our research for many of the posts. And, we love visitors. Drop by when you get a
chance and say hello.
Last Updated: 6/28/08.